Monday 23 March 2015

Animation Project: Health & Safety


When using the Tripod to hold the camera on:
      - Make sure it's out of someones walking path
      - Don't mess around with the Tripod

When using the Camera:
      - Don't mess around with the camera
      - If using flash, don't look where the flash will come from

When using Paints:
      - Don't eat it
      - Clear up after using it
      - Don't play around with it
      - Wear an apron
      - wear gloves (If elegiac)
      - Wash hands after use (Especially if you're going to eat afterwards)

When using Playdo:
      - Don't eat it
      - Clear up after use
      - Wear gloves (If elegiac)
      - Wash hands after use (especially if you're going to eat afterwards)

General Health & Safety
      - Place bags under the table
      - Don't eat or drink in the class room
      - When using equipment always put long hair up
      - Don't play around with the equipment

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